Career Development

Teens get ready for Ready for 13.


Ready for 13 serves children as they work through middle school, high school and make successful transitions into college, career training, military, trade apprenticeship or career path, in the 13th year of education.


Many of our youth do not make a seemless transition form high school to trade, higher educational, or military service. They lack knowledge about their options, a realistic plan and the tools necessary to carry out a plan.


It is the goal of Embry Center for Family Life's Ready for 13 program participants who complete high school and successfully transition into post secondary education, trade apprenticeship, military enlistment, or employment with a career tract within 6 months of high school graduation.


Activities include:


-Aptitude and interest inventories

-Career and college information sessions and site visits

-College, trade, and career fair attendance

-Consistent ongoing communication about employment, career, education and training opportunities


-Health and wellness information and activities


Scheduled Activities for December 2015 and January 2016


Work Experience BOOT CAMP - Tuesday, December 29, 2015, 11am to 3pm - Embry AME Church 5101 Lakeland Rd. College Park, MD.

Get ready for Your Summer Job. This session will help you get started and show you how to make the most of your work experience.


Youth Resource Fair - Saturday, January 9, 2016 - 10:30 to Noon. College Park Community Center, 5051 Pierce Ave., College Prk,MD 20740. Learn about school, after school and recreational activities as well as summer work, camping opportunities and more. Find out about all the great opportunities for your children and teens. Most are right at your door.




Phone: 301-474-7503


Rev. Dr. Edna Canty Jenkins, Director

©Embry Center for Family Life 2011-2017